How to Change – Katy Milkman

What helps people to make sustainable change? Well, it’s something Professor Katy Milkman has dedicated her career to uncovering. In this insightful and impactful book, Milkman takes you on a whistle-stop tour of the six areas that she has identified as obstacles to change (Impulsivity, Procrastination, Forgetfulness, Laziness, Confidence and Conformity)

Through her work, Fiona has used the knowledge from the book to support her clients with organisation and personal change. The feedback has been positive and the results even better. A must read for any leader or founder.

Susi Sinclair

Brand consultant, designer and storyteller working with brands, agencies and like-minded creatives.

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team – Patrick Lencioni


The Coaching Habit Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever – Michael Bungay Stanier