Knowing when to go.

The big question is if you are looking to exit an organisation, let alone a presidency.

I reflect on recent politics and wonder if Joe B left it too late. Did he give his second-in-command enough time to gather her thoughts, plan her leadership campaign and rally the troops?

Probably not….

Knowing ‘when to go’ is a question many leaders can wrestle with.

Sometimes you reach your sell-by date and it’s time to leave and do something else. The trick is, not to go past it.

If you are thinking of leaving a role or an organisation, here are a few questions to consider:

• Do I sometimes feel resentful and find it hard to accept things?
• Is my reason for staying the right one for my team and the organisation I represent?
• Do I feel excited and exhilarated by the future? Is it something I’m looking forward to shaping and being part of?
• Do I have the mental and physical stamina needed to do this intense leadership role?
• Is the road ahead one I want to shape, change and lead for years to come?

If you are approaching your leadership sell-by date then take time to think about what’s next for you and what you care about.

Find a role which enables you to play to your strengths and finally, leave a positive leadership legacy that enables others to grow.

Susi Sinclair

Brand consultant, designer and storyteller working with brands, agencies and like-minded creatives.

Are you guilty of over-playing any of these leadership strengths?


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