Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching –
helping you to progress your leadership skills

Executive coaching is an effective and powerful leadership development tool that can help and support you in your leadership journey. Through executive coaching, you develop and establish your leadership presence, improve how you lead and engage your team and become a critical thinking partner when it comes to your leadership challenges and dilemmas. Most importantly, it provides a safe space for you to think and be challenged in a thought provoking, confidential and non-judgemental way that ultimately leads to clarity and action.

Executive Coaching helps:

  • Support leaders as they transition into a new role
  • Develop managers stepping up into leadership roles
  • Build confidence in management and leadership capability
  • Improved decision making
  • Support senior leaders through organisational transformation
  • Develop and retain key talent
  • Support leaders in having necessary but difficult conversations
  • Improve working relationships, team performance and productivity
  • Improve resilience – both personally and professionally

Structure and Process of Executive Coaching

I always start the executive coaching process with a goal setting session, focusing on what you would like to achieve from the coaching intervention and the impact you want to have as the leader. As part of the goal setting meeting, I invite you and your line manager to come together to discuss and establish your coaching goals and the focus for our executive coaching.

Once the goals have been set, the first executive coaching session is put in the diary and the coaching relationship commences. To gain and keep momentum, I suggest that each executive coaching client has a minimum of 6 sessions followed by a review meeting (usually in session 4) with both the coaching client and their line manager to discuss progress, the impact the executive coaching is having and what the next steps look like with regards to our future development focus.

Executive Coaching Process
Walk and Talk Coaching Liverpool

Digital and In-Person Methods of Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching sessions can be delivered in several ways, including Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Face to Face in your place of work, or my most popular method, which is a ‘Walk & Talk’.

In the Walk & Talk executive coaching session, we meet at an agreed outdoor location and for the duration of the session we walk, and we talk!

A Walk & Talk is simply that: a meeting that takes place during a walk instead of in an office, boardroom, or coffee shop. Some of my clients are more comfortable walking and talking and find it easier to start discussing their problems. Walking opens up the conversation – it’s relaxing, non-threatening, and helps the mind create connections. It is a very effective method of working through your leadership challenges, exploring how you want to resolve them and bringing about new insights for both you, as the leader and the issues you are facing into.



If you are local to Liverpool, then a walk along the river is an ideal place to conduct our walk and talk.

I have found walking and talking coaching effective with clients of all ages, from junior executives transitioning into senior roles and senior clients who require coaching for changes to job role or new opportunities for professional development. Walking can help to ground you and that in itself is good.

We always grab a coffee en route and at the end of session we summarise the key learnings/insights from the session and agree next steps, actions and outcomes for the following session.

Walk and Talk Executive Coaching
Executive Tablet and mobile Insightful coach

Executive Coaching –
helping you to progress your leadership skills

Executive coaching is an effective and powerful leadership development tool that can help and support you in your leadership journey. Through executive coaching, you develop and establish your leadership presence, improve how you lead and engage your team and become a critical thinking partner when it comes to your leadership challenges and dilemmas. Most importantly, it provides a safe space for you to think and be challenged in a thought provoking, confidential and non-judgemental way that ultimately leads to clarity and action.

Executive Coaching helps:

  • Support leaders as they transition into a new role
  • Develop managers stepping up into leadership roles
  • Build confidence in management and leadership capability
  • Improved decision making
  • Support senior leaders through organisational transformation
  • Develop and retain key talent
  • Support leaders in having necessary but difficult conversations
  • Improve working relationships, team performance and productivity
  • Improve resilience – both personally and professionally
Executive Coaching Process

Structure and Process of Executive Coaching

I always start the executive coaching process with a goal setting session, focusing on what you would like to achieve from the coaching intervention and the impact you want to have as the leader. As part of the goal setting meeting, I invite you and your line manager to come together to discuss and establish your coaching goals and the focus for our executive coaching.

Once the goals have been set, the first executive coaching session is put in the diary and the coaching relationship commences. To gain and keep momentum, I suggest that each executive coaching client has a minimum of 6 sessions followed by a review meeting (usually in session 4) with both the coaching client and their line manager to discuss progress, the impact the executive coaching is having and what the next steps look like with regards to our future development focus.

Walk and Talk Coaching Liverpool

Digital and In-Person Methods of Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching sessions can be delivered in several ways, including Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Face to Face in your place of work, or my most popular method, which is a ‘Walk & Talk’.

In the Walk & Talk executive coaching session, we meet at an agreed outdoor location and for the duration of the session we walk, and we talk!

A Walk & Talk is simply that: a meeting that takes place during a walk instead of in an office, boardroom, or coffee shop. Some of my clients are more comfortable walking and talking and find it easier to start discussing their problems. Walking opens up the conversation – it’s relaxing, non-threatening, and helps the mind create connections. It is a very effective method of working through your leadership challenges, exploring how you want to resolve them and bringing about new insights for both you, as the leader and the issues you are facing into.


Walk and Talk Executive Coaching


If you are local to Liverpool, then a walk along the river is an ideal place to conduct our walk and talk.

I have found walking and talking coaching effective with clients of all ages, from junior executives transitioning into senior roles and senior clients who require coaching for changes to job role or new opportunities for professional development. Walking can help to ground you and that in itself is good.

We always grab a coffee en route and at the end of session we summarise the key learnings/insights from the session and agree next steps, actions and outcomes for the following session.